Early Field Experience (EDUC 222)
Term: AY 2024-25 Fall
There is not currently a faculty member for this course
Wed, 2:10 PM - 3:00 PM (8/19/2024 - 12/13/2024) Location: MAIN UUMC 300
This course is a supervised field practicum with an on-site mentor/cooperating teacher, involving children in any grade (K-12). The course is designed to provide transfer students who have not had previous early field experience the opportunity to have hands on experiences in the classroom prior to Clinical Practice. The course is also designed for students already in the Teacher Education Program who could benefit from additional Early Field Experience. The early field practicum student will work collaboratively with the cooperating teacher. The course will emphasize evidence-based practices and techniques. The course requires the student to be assigned with a cooperating teacher for a minimum of 16 contact hours (for 1 credit), 32 contact hours (for 2 credits) or 48 contact hours (for 3 credits). The Early Field Placement is made by arrangement of the Director of Early Field Experiences. The course is for undergraduate credit only. Outside preparation time will be required, beyond on