
Course Information

PA:Journeys in Musicianship:Oboe (MUSI 188)

Term: AY 2024-25 Spring


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


This course offers individual one half-hour lesson per week in a variety of instruments and voice. Through applied lessons, the student will be able to discover artistic potentials within him/herself to analyze the value of the arts (music) for his/her own sake as well as develop the skills to appreciate the musical performance and fine arts in general. Through the learning process, students will not only learn the technical skills necessary to perform the instruments, but become a successful person physically, mentally, and socially through the process and preparation to present arts in the public and private settings. This is a repeatable course. in order for a student to receive one course equivalent in L.S. Personal Awareness, a student must earn a minimum of three credit hours with the same course number.